Friday, February 20, 2009


I have decided that i would like to interview Ronald Hoelzeman he is the cheif Director of the Computer Engineering Program at the University of Pittsburgh. I have chose to interview this person because he should have an extensive knowledge about both types of processors and how they work. More importantly he may know how the designs differ and how they are simmilar. From what i have learned alreayd it seems that the Intel archeticture is almost a complete coppy of AMD's architecture. it will allow me to expoore more indepth both the physical differences and the virtual differences. The virtual aspect may seem trivial but it is most likley the most important aspect of this all. The virtuial aspect of a processor is quite astonashing.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Quite busy

This week when i had gotten back to school i had missed much. There was a project related to making a picture to best show what your project is about. I had used photo shop edit multiple logos of the companies which are in competing. The logos of ATI and Nvidia are included in the picture because they are partnered and thus provide much support for their respective partners.

ATI is partnered AMD, and Nvidia is partnered with Intel. Given that they are parterened they still their own seprate companys providing graphics/video chipsets their rivals partner. These since they opposing company's dont have exensive ideas of their rivals processor arhcitect. This may cause seriuous problems sometimes resulting in system instability/system failures. This is due to the differences of the processor arcitecture. This is usualy aboutthe routing of infromation from the processor to the other parts of the motheroboard. It is also due to how the processors handle information.

AMD processors use something called an L3 cache nowdays. This handles information by allowing the processor to quickly store information for use of a more streamlined processing style and then exports the datato other parts of the motherboard. Intel on the other hand focouses on the "GHz" that a processos is project to have allowing for faster processing of information all the while exporting the data, this takes a higher toll on the processor but in certian situautions can provide a faster experience.