Thursday, January 7, 2010

A new day, a less then stellar performance of the internet.

I have been attempting to download a program that will help me to complete my action plan but i have yet to see the download pass the 50% mark. I mark this up to not the internet but the wireless connection and routers that our school has(i honestly think the school needs to get new wireless routers seeing as these are pretty old) but thats an entirely different subject. I also need to try to get intel processors in which to benchmark and idealy, an intel motherboard to keep a controlled test enviorment.

1 comment:

  1. 1/11/2010
    -developed essential question – how can someone improve their computer’s performance at home for free?
    -develop 10 foundation questions
    -How does a computer’s processor affect its performance?
    -finish notes on at least 3 foundation questions
