Friday, January 23, 2009

Key Terms

Today I spent most of it on defining what each of the key terms that i needed to provide some background on, they may be found to the right of this post. The reason it takes a long time to define all of the terms that i will be using is because there is an extremely large amount of abbreviation and odd terms used to describe what happens inside the processor to actually make it work properly. Some of the terms may be a little vague such as L3 Cache this is because of it being relatively new to the scene and not much information to properly express it is available. Most of these terms will be used very frequently during the term of my project.

My foundation questions need to be developed more, such as more specific questions, questions that are better able to be answered. What i am doing now is providing myself with a large quantity of questions and will reduce the number of questions as i see the question which as inadequate, which will hopefully provide me with good foundation questions.

This post will be edited when my foundation questions are complete.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Reviewing the Sites Chosen

i am now in the process of reviewing the sites that i had chosen to help me better understand the architecture of CPU's or, central processing units, otherwise known as cores. I am finding some sites are not what i had expected them to be. Providing minimal information about the difference between AMD and Intel. Other sites were very useful, providing information which may truly help me. They provide the physical differences of the architecture as well as how they process the information feed to them. [Edit] I may also need to provide different/more questions that may allow me to come up with a better essential question.

After some disappointments from sites that i had high hopes for i am in the process of finding more sites that will be helpful on my way to finding the differences between Intel and AMD processors. As of right now i will provide a basic summary for what i have found. Intel chips are designed to have a larder L3 cache while at times this may provide a smoother form of processing they have their multi-core chips connected via different pieces of silicone which may reduce performance. AMD usually has a lower L3 cache but in their multi-core chips are all on one peice of silicone which may increase performance.
(disclaimer - information may be subject to change upon new discoveries)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Updated with a new question

i have been hard at work researching what i may want my project to be about and i have come to the conclusion that, i will do it on the main differences of AMD and Intel architecture. While this may seem a bit vague it is quite a valid question and many have wondered such things before. I too have thought of such things just never thought to search for information because it seemed like too much to take in at once causing a rather useless flow of information with no way to organize it so that it may be understood easily.

Perhaps this post in and of itself will change what my project will be about. This is a reference to the enormous amount of info and no way to actively search thought it . Such as the things that are behind it i have a basic knowledge of how such things are created and distributed about. These are known as crawlers.

Straying from the point of this article i have at this moment a question which can be explored to an extent that many may not think of. Such as the incredible Intricacies of how processors work and more importnatly how they are designed. many people forget that what truly runs a computer and people tend to ignore how such possibilities, such as myspace and AIM, are made possible through processorsand what the processors are designed for.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

First Entry

My grad project is only but a small seed of an idea planted into my mind at the moment, but shall eventually sprout into wonderful concept and then become a clear and pristine idea. At the moment i am thinking about anything related to computers for my project but that is of course to much of a general of an idea. I would like to narrow it down to having something to do with the hardware of the computer so as to relate it to what i want to do with my life when graduated from high school. What i want to do is to become a computer hardware engineer which is in the most basic concept a person who designs the components for computers including things like the keyboard and the CPU or central processing unit which essentially makes the computer work.

So i will eventually narrow the large list of ideas i have at this time, to a single idea that can be turned into an actual project suitable for a formal graduation project. Then i will continue to refine and expand on the idea taking what would be needed and tossing that which is not needed or not suitable. So until i have a clearer vision of what i may want to do, i will meditate on it as well as rack my mind to the brink of both my imagination and creative ability.