Friday, January 23, 2009

Key Terms

Today I spent most of it on defining what each of the key terms that i needed to provide some background on, they may be found to the right of this post. The reason it takes a long time to define all of the terms that i will be using is because there is an extremely large amount of abbreviation and odd terms used to describe what happens inside the processor to actually make it work properly. Some of the terms may be a little vague such as L3 Cache this is because of it being relatively new to the scene and not much information to properly express it is available. Most of these terms will be used very frequently during the term of my project.

My foundation questions need to be developed more, such as more specific questions, questions that are better able to be answered. What i am doing now is providing myself with a large quantity of questions and will reduce the number of questions as i see the question which as inadequate, which will hopefully provide me with good foundation questions.

This post will be edited when my foundation questions are complete.

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