Wednesday, January 7, 2009

First Entry

My grad project is only but a small seed of an idea planted into my mind at the moment, but shall eventually sprout into wonderful concept and then become a clear and pristine idea. At the moment i am thinking about anything related to computers for my project but that is of course to much of a general of an idea. I would like to narrow it down to having something to do with the hardware of the computer so as to relate it to what i want to do with my life when graduated from high school. What i want to do is to become a computer hardware engineer which is in the most basic concept a person who designs the components for computers including things like the keyboard and the CPU or central processing unit which essentially makes the computer work.

So i will eventually narrow the large list of ideas i have at this time, to a single idea that can be turned into an actual project suitable for a formal graduation project. Then i will continue to refine and expand on the idea taking what would be needed and tossing that which is not needed or not suitable. So until i have a clearer vision of what i may want to do, i will meditate on it as well as rack my mind to the brink of both my imagination and creative ability.

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