Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Reviewing the Sites Chosen

i am now in the process of reviewing the sites that i had chosen to help me better understand the architecture of CPU's or, central processing units, otherwise known as cores. I am finding some sites are not what i had expected them to be. Providing minimal information about the difference between AMD and Intel. Other sites were very useful, providing information which may truly help me. They provide the physical differences of the architecture as well as how they process the information feed to them. [Edit] I may also need to provide different/more questions that may allow me to come up with a better essential question.

After some disappointments from sites that i had high hopes for i am in the process of finding more sites that will be helpful on my way to finding the differences between Intel and AMD processors. As of right now i will provide a basic summary for what i have found. Intel chips are designed to have a larder L3 cache while at times this may provide a smoother form of processing they have their multi-core chips connected via different pieces of silicone which may reduce performance. AMD usually has a lower L3 cache but in their multi-core chips are all on one peice of silicone which may increase performance.
(disclaimer - information may be subject to change upon new discoveries)

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